Accurate measurements are a vital step before installing a shower enclosure or other bathroom product. Proper measurements not only ensure the product fits, but also avoid unnecessary trouble during installation. Whether you are going for a professional installation or choosing DIY, knowing how to correctly measure the size and shape of your space will provide you with a smooth installation experience. Next, we will introduce some key measurement tips and considerations to help you fully prepare for the installation.
Tools Needed
Tape Measure
Pen and Paper
Steps to Measure Width
Measure at three points:
Bottom: Measure the distance from the bottom of the display from the left wall to the right wall.
Center: Measure at the center of the opening.
Top: Measure the top of the opening.
For Representative:
When measuring an opening that contains a return, measure at the center of the curb (centerline) to ensure accuracy.
Tape Measure Body Instructions:
Always consider the body of the tape measure when measuring to ensure that the measurement is completely accurate.
Steps to Check Surfaces for Level and Plumb
Gather Your Tools:
Use a level (a 4-foot or 6-foot level is best for added surfaces).
Check the Walls:
Place the level vertically against each wall to ensure they are plumb (perfectly plumb).
Adjust the level to check for different heights along the wall.
Check the Surface:
Place the level horizontally against the edge of the display and against the wall to ensure they are level (perfectly level).
Check the different locations again to find any differences.
Identify the problem:
If any areas are far apart, be aware that this may affect the installation.
By ensuring that the surfaces are level and level, you can achieve a successful and professional installation!
Old homes or shower walls may not be perfectly straight. If your walls are plumb, that is, straight up and down, then you should feel comfortable installing your bathroom door. If your walls are not plumb, then you should seek the help of a professional when installing your bathroom door.
Steps to Measure Height
Start at the top of the shower room or tub deck.
Extend the tape measure vertically to the top of the tile or fiberglass wall.
Record this measurement as it will help your dealer make the best recommendations for the height standard for your door.
Make sure the tape measure is straight and plumb to ensure an accurate reading.
Double-check your measurements for errors.